Monday, 16, September, 2024

Prominent religious figure, Tashkent’s chief imam khatib, Anvar Qori Tursunov passed away today early in the morning, UzA reported. Information was confirmed by the Health Ministry and the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan.

Anvar Tursunov suffered a stroke In early April and was operated on, since then he was in serious condition. In July 2009, he survived an assassination attempt.

Anvar Tursunov, 60, graduated from the Philological Department of the Tashkent State University (1981) and the Tashkent Islamic Institute (2001).

In 1981-1984 he was the editor of the Yoshlik (Youth) magazine. In 1984-1987 he worked as a research associate in the Academy of Sciences, in 1987-1989 - in the house museum of Abdullah Kahhar.

In 1989-1994 he was the senior editor of the Eastern Literature of the Center for Translations and Literary Relations at the Writers' Union.

In 1994-1999 he was the imam-hatib of the Yangiabad mosque of Tashkent. Since 1999, he had served as the chief imam-hatib of Tashkent and the imam-hatib of the Khoja Akhror Vali mosque. In 2015 he became an imam-hatib of the Minor mosque.

In 1989-1992 he was the editor of the first translation of the Koran (in the translation of Sheikh Alauddin Mansoor).

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