Monday, 16, September, 2024

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev today met with the President of the United States of America Donald Trump at the White House.

After the photographing ceremony, the two leaders made statements to the press in the Oval Office.

Donald Trump, greeting the President of Uzbekistan on an official visit, said:

"You are a respected man in your country and throughout, we have been working very closely together, including in the fields of trade, investments, purchase of equipment, military equipment and other fields. It’s a great honour to have you.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev, expressing gratitude for the invitation, said:

"Mr. President , this is a historic meeting. The U.S. has from the early days supported our independence, our sovereignity and territorial integrity, and we are very grateful to the U.S. for this."

"After the presidential elections in Uzbekistan and the U.S., the bilateral ties have risen to a new level. After your election, the U.S. has made serious economic achievements, the adoption of the tax reform and with many created jobs. These have been made possible thanks to your personal contribution."

"The name of the Joint Statement adopted today "Uzbekistan and the United States of America: the beginning of a new era of strategic partnership" speaks for itself, testifies to our aspirations aimed at a long-term perspective."

"As you said the last one half year has been a breakthrough in bilateral ties in terms of investments. We are now purchasing a lot of technologies and equipment from the U.S., and during this historic visit we have signed US$ 5 billion worth of deals with major U.S. companies, this testifies of the fact that our strategic partneship is the serious long term intention. Thank you very much Mr. President for the warm welcome."


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