Thursday, 13, March, 2025

The Central Asian International Environmental Forum : Strengthening Cooperation on Environment and Sustainable Development in Central Asia will be held on June 5-8 in Tashkent, the Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection said in a statement.

"Our goal is to create an effective platform for coordinated practical measures to solve regional problems, bringing together all stakeholders, including businesses and the scientific community," said the chairman of the Committee , Bahrom Kuchkarov.

Representatives of environmental authorities of the countries of Central Asia, Europe and Asia, UN agencies and other organizations are expected to attend the forum - a total of 250 people.

The main themes of the forum will be: renewable energy and energy efficiency, integrated management of solid domestic waste, as well as biodiversity conservation and the development of a network of protected natural areas.

The forum will feature an exhibition of ecofriendly technologies for waste processing and recycling, renewable energy for agriculture and housing, energy efficiency in the residential sector and industry.

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