Wednesday, 24, April, 2024

At the extraordinary session of the municipal deputies council on Sunday Nematulla Matkarimovich Khudaibergenov has been confirmed as the new mayor of Turtkul ditrict of Karakalpakstan.

Nematulla Khudaibergenov, 65, graduated  (1974) from Tashkent Polytechnic Institute (Dep. of geophysical engineering), in 1986 - Higher Party School in Tashkent (Dep of political science). Also, he completed the Nukus Agrarian Technical School (agronomist) and holds PhD degree in Economic Sciences (1991). He holds the Honored Economist of Karakalpakstan title and has been awarded the Dustlik (tarnsl. Friendship) Order.

He is a deputy of Karakalpak parliament from UzLiDeP party. In 1999-2004 he was a deputy of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan.

From 1998 to 2017 he was the mayor of Ellikkala district of Karakalpakstan. In May this year, he was appointed as chief of the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Syrdarya province.

The previous Turtkul mayor, Gafurzhan Hajiyev held this post from the end of March 2015.

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