Monday, 16, September, 2024

The Institute of Economics and Peace published an annual report “Global Terrorism Index 2017”, in which Uzbekistan was among the countries with the least level of terrorism impact.

The Global Terrorism Index measures the level of terrorist activity in the countries of the world.

Uzbekistan, collecting 0.077 points from maximum 10 points, was ranked 125th in the annual “Global Index of Terrorism 2017” among 163 countries of the world.

Compared to 2016 when it was ranked 117th place, Uzbekistan improved its result.

The top countries in the index suffered the most from terrorism and the 130th country did not suffer from terrorist attacks. It should be mentioned that 33 countries were ranked 130th in the index.

The authors assessed the level of terrorist activity within the country based on the number of terrorist acts, number of the dead and injured, and the level of damage.

The three most affected countries are Iraq, Afghanistan and Nigeria.


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