Monday, 16, September, 2024

The Central Asian International Scientific and Practical Conference “25 Years of Water Cooperation of the Central Asian Countries: Experience of the Past, Future Challenges” will be held in Tashkent on 23-24 November.

Representatives of water management organizations of Central Asian countries, the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, a number of international organizations and financial institutions, as well as scientists and experts are expected to attend the conference.

It should be noted that the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination exercises the functions of joint management and development of water resources in Central Asia. In this sense, the organization is recognized by the international community as a unique mechanism for joint management of transboundary water resources in the Central Asian region.

Uzbekistan actively participates in the work of the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination.

The Tashkent Scientific and Practical Conference is aimed at further strengthening interstate cooperation in the field of water resources in Central Asia, enhancing the role and place of the organization in the effective use of transboundary water resources, identifying further problems for cooperation between Central Asian countries in the use and protection of the region’s water resources, and also attracting the attention and resources of international financial institutions and donor organizations to the implementation of regional and national projects in the sphere of water management and improvement of the ecological and socio-economic situation in the Aral Sea region.


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