Monday, 16, September, 2024

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev yesterday signed Measures for Improvement of Pharmaceutical Industry Management System Decree creating the Agency for Development of Pharmaceutical Industry under the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan. The state-run joint-stock UzPharmSanoat group of companies has been liquidated.

As noted in the commentary to the document, systemic deficiencies that negatively affect the development of the pharmaceutical industry are still there in spite of recent reforms aimed at providing the population and health facilities with quality medicines, medical tools and equipment,.

No concerted strategy for sustainable industry development has been developed until now and proper coordination of the activities of pharmaceutical companies has not been ensured. Local pharmaceutical companies are not able to satisfy the demand for high-quality products, the commentary added.

The new agency will be responsible for preparing and implementing of a sustainable development strategy, through inter alia implementing public-private partnerships, coordination of activities of pharmaceutical companies, implementation of programs to provide the population and public health institutions with medicines, medical tools and equipment.

Henceforth, prices for medicines and medical products in the List of Socially Significant Medicines and Medical Products shall be fixed by the ministry.

Until December 1, 2018, a network of social pharmacies is expected to be set up at public health institutions (district (city) medical associations, rural family clinics, rural medical stations), as well as at state-owned empty buildings and premises.

The decree informs that according to the Concept of Administrative Reform in Uzbekistan, approved by the September 8 President’s decree, the activities and structure of the Ministry of Health are being critically reviewed. Particular attention will be paid to the improvement of the system of financing of healthcare institutions.

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