Monday, 16, September, 2024

The October 18 Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan Resolution has approved a single system for collection, surrender and processing of non-ferrous metal scrap in the country.

"Tashkent plant for procurement and processing of non-ferrous metal scrap" has been renamed into "Uzbek plant for procurement and processing of non-ferrous metal scrap", and shall become the only enterprise engaged in procurement of scrap and non-ferrous metal waste in the country.

The plant nw becomes part of the Cabinet of Ministers complex on geology, fuel and energy complex, chemical, petrochemical and metallurgical industries.

The state will suppress the activities of private collection points for receiving equipment, scrap and waste containing non-ferrous metals, as well as legal entities and individuals  collecting, procuring, storing, using and delivering such shall now become.

In addition, measures should be strengthened to prevent attempts to steal, damage and illegal turnover of equipment, scrap and waste containing non-ferrous metals in organizations, institutions, construction sites and other facilities, including gravestones and non-ferrous metal fences in cemeteries.


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