Friday, 14, March, 2025

The Off-Budget Pension Fund commented on the procedure for paying state pensions to the retired who left Uzbekistan for a long period.

According to the regulation, if a pensioner leaves Uzbekistan and does not return for more than three months, the payment shall be temporarily suspended.

After returning to Uzbekistan, the pension payment shall be resumed. A citizen has the right to receive unpaid pensions for the missed months, but not more than for 24 months preceding the date of application.

This procedure is enshrined in paragraph 159 of the regulation, where this norm was included on October 30 last year.

Pension payment shall also be suspended if:

  • pension payment period expires;
  • pension recipient returns to work;
  • pension recipient fails to claim pension through the relevant organization for more than 3 months in a row;
  • pension recipient is handed a prison sentence (except for persons serving sentences in penal colonies);
  • pension recipient resides in a Social Support Center for Persons with Mental Disorders;
  • pension recipient requests to suspend pension payment;
  • pension recipient is wanted for evading investigation, trial or execution of punishment, or is missing;
  • pension recipient’s authorized person fails to show within the established period to confirm this right.

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