Wednesday, 12, March, 2025

The Legislative Chamber passed the bill banning the import and circulation of electronic cigarettes (vapes) in the second and third readings at a meeting on January 24. The bill was handed to the Senate.

The bill was adopted in the first reading on January 7. The document provides for a ban on the circulation (production, manufacture, storage, transportation or carriage, import and export from the territory of Uzbekistan) of electronic nicotine delivery systems, including electronic cigarettes and liquids for them.

In addition, the bill has proposed liability for offenses related to the illegal introduction into circulation of smokeless tobacco products, devices for nicotine consumption, including electronic cigarettes. The issue was about banning flavored vapes, not tobacco heating systems.

The bills has proposed to introduce criminal and administrative liability for the illegal circulation of smokeless tobacco products and electronic nicotine delivery systems, including electronic cigarettes.

At the same time, in the event of a pleading guilty and notification of law enforcement agencies, the offender could be released from liability.

Health Minister Asilbek Khudayarov spoke about the harm of such cigarettes and underscored their distribution among young people and girls.

In the second reading, MP Tokhir Polvonov reported that, based on the proposals of MPs of the responsible committee, the provisions of the bill have been improved while “preserving its concept”.

During the item-by-item consideration of the bill and the vote, not a single MP gave a question. All articles and the bill itself were adopted during the second reading without a single vote against.

135 MPs voted "for", 2 abstained, 1 did not vote, 0 against

133 MPs voted for the adoption of the law in the third reading and sending it to the Senate, there were no abstentions or votes against, and five did not vote.

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