Wednesday, 12, March, 2025

The draft 2025 state program, posted for public input, includes an item proposing to assess the degree of propensity to corruption of at least 500 senior civil servants and those in reserve for these positions will be assessed in 2025.

The item #81 of the program - "Organization of the state civil service based on the principles of meritocracy, honesty and professionalism." The task is stated as "the formation of an intolerant attitude towards corruption among civil servants, instilling in them the "vaccine of honesty" and the introduction of preventive mechanisms in this area."

The assessment will be held at the Center for the Assessment of Management Personnel based on the order of the Anti-Corruption Agency.

In addition, the item proposed to regularly (at least once a year) propose measures in this area based on research into the formation of a value system for the introduction of an intolerant attitude towards corruption among civil servants.

Additionally, it is planned to launch an electronic platform for monitoring the implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption, recommendations of international organizations directed to Uzbekistan, and international standards.

The electronic platform should allow to:

  • monitor the implementation of the requirements of the UN Convention against Corruption;
  • post recommendations, reports and other information submitted by international organizations to Uzbekistan;
  • post monitoring reports on Uzbekistan prepared by civil society institutions and the general public.

An interdepartmental working group should be formed to fill the platform. Mechanisms for constantly updating data on the resource will be developed.

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