Monday, 16, September, 2024

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree approving the Uzbekistan’s Preschool Education Development Road Map. The document is published on the Presidency website.

new pilot pre-schools will create in Tashkent, Nukus and provincial centers Starting from January 1, 2018 under public-private partnership terms. The experiment provides for free allocation of land and vacant premises to investors for a period of 50 years to set up "modern and affordable pre-schools."

Investors will get tax privileges, preferences, as well as soft loans for opening pre-schools, especially in areas with the highest demand for such and undeveloped infrastructure.

In return, investors will have to strictly adhere to the provisions of public-private partnership agreement, state standards for preschools, sanitary and hygienic norms, maintain primary activities during the whole duration of the agreement, and ensuring affordability of preschool services.

The resolution allows pre-schools in Tashkent, as an experiment, to conclude direct contracts for supply of food and ready meals.

The Ministry of Finance together with the ministries of Finance, Economy, Health and the Competition committee will have to submit proposals to the Cabinet in the end of 2017 to implement this practice in other provinces.

In addition, the document forms a Commission for critical studies and development of proposals for further improvement of the preschool education system.

The commission will be engaged in the inventory check and analysis of legislation in the field of preschool education to identify holes and norms that contribute to "the manifestation of corruption and other violations."


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