Thursday, 24, October, 2024

At the joint interprovincial forum of the governments of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan held in Samarkand on October 22, the governor of Mangistau region, Nurdaulet Qilibai, made a number of proposals to expand trade and economic ties between Mangistau region and Uzbekistan.

The Mangistau to Uzbekistan highway project is underway. Car travel goes through the Tajen customs checkpoint on the territory of Kazakhstan. Recently, a new highway from the center of Karakalpakstan autonomy to the border of the country was commissioned. Reportedly, this will allow to increase the volume of two-way trade between Mangistau region and Uzbekistan in the future.

According to Nurdavlet Qilibai, most of the food products, vegetables, fruits and dried fruits in the wholesale markets of the region are brought from the fields of Bukhara, Samarkand, Nukus and Syrdarya of Uzbekistan. About 250-300 trucks pass through Tajen customs checkpoint per day, of which on average 25-30 furas are sent to Mangistau region. This means about 11 thousand tons of products.

The Mangistau’s governor proposed to establish the Khorgos duty-free special trade zone in the border area in order to further expand trade relations between the two countries. Analyses have shown that the opening of the trade and economic zone will allow to increase the volume of trade between Mangistau region and Uzbekistan by 4 times.

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