Thursday, 19, September, 2024

Following the summit talks in Samarkand on Sunday, Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Olaf Scholz signed a Joint Declaration, the press service of the Uzbek president said.

Afterwards they oversaw the signing of 8 bilateral accords:

  • Intergovernmental Agreement on comprehensive partnership in the field of migration and mobility;
  • Intergovernmental Declaration on cooperation in the field of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry;
  • Intergovernmental Declaration on cooperation in the field of sustainable use of water resources within the framework of the Green Central Asia initiative;
  • Joint Declaration on cooperation in the field of critical minerals;
  • Agreement on cooperation in the field of transport;
  • Memorandum of cooperation on climate change within the framework of the Paris Agreement.

In addition, the Program for technological partnership and industrial cooperation for 2024-2026 was adopted, and a package of agreements and contracts was inked between major companies of Uzbekistan and Germany.

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