Saturday, 14, September, 2024

In Dangara district of Fergana province, on the evening of August 26, one of the local residents stabbed a local police officer, the provincial police department said.

At about 20:45, senior officer of the district police department, N. M. arrived at the place of residence of H. E., who was serving a house arrest sentence with a ban on leaving his place of residence from 18:00 to 6:00.

The officer did not find H. E. at home, which is a violation of the terms of serving the sentence. At that moment, the convict returned home drunk and started a quarrel. He grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed the officer in the chest with it, after which he fled the scene.

Despite the efforts of physicians, N. M. died in the hospital.

During the operational activities, the suspect was arrest. A criminal case was launched under Premeditated murder with aggravating circumstances, with the man taken into custody.

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