Monday, 16, September, 2024

The Senate rejected the Amendments and addenda to the Criminal Code, the Criminal Procedure Code and the Administrative Liability Code in connection with the improvement of the Road Safety System at its today’s session. The document caused a wide public outcry last year.

The amendments proposed a penalty point system for violating traffic rules, criminal liability for drunk driving, and others. However, in addition to these amendments related to road safety, the amendments include a provision on the introduction of punishment for discrediting law enforcement officers.

The amendments include the insertion of an article 195-2 to the Administrative Code provides for a fine of 50 basic settlement units (BSU) (since December 1 - 17 million soums) or arrest for up to 15 days for posting photos and videos on the Internet about the work of law enforcement officers related to the performance of official duties, that is, ensuring public safety, with the purpose of discrediting or insulting them.

Deputy Chairman of the Senate Committee on Defense and Security, Tolibjon Madumarov said that the amendments need to be revised, especially in terms of penalty points and the ban on publishing videos “for the purpose of discrediting law enforcement officers.” He said that a conciliation commission of the Senate and the Legislative Chamber would be created to improve and finalize the amendments.

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