Tuesday, 11, February, 2025

The Dustlik District Criminal Court of of Jizzakh province has sentenced the director and teacher of a family kindergarten where a pupil, 3, died in February after falling into a ditch, the spokesman to the Supreme Court, Aziz Abidov.

On the morning of February 15, three children left the kindergarten. At about 1:00 p.m., the girl was found dead in a ditch flowing on the territory of a farm, about 1 km from the kindergarten. The other two children returned home. The kindergarten was closed after the tragedy.

A criminal case was launched against three people - 31-year-old kindergarten director F. M., 31-year-old teacher D. T. and 49-year-old head of the district department of sanitary and epidemiological welfare and public health A. U. The latter was accused of the fact that, knowing about the nonconformity between the rooms allocated for the kindergarten and health and safety standards, he entered false data on the compliance of the kindergarten inventory with the requirements and did not interfere with the start of its activities. By the court's verdict, director F. M. was found guilty under Improper performance of her professional duties, resulting in the death of a person through negligence charge and Theft by appropriation or embezzlement by abuse of office charge of the Criminal Code. She has been handed 4 years and 1 month of house arrest freedom with a ban on working in preschool and school education for 3 years.

Educator D. T. was also found guilty and was sentenced to 4 years of house arrest and was banned from working in the field for 3 years.

Head of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Department A. U. was found guilty under Abuse of power or official authority charge and Forgery in office charge of the Criminal Code and was handed 1.5 years of house arrest with a ban on holding official and financially responsible positions for 1 year.

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