Saturday, 07, September, 2024

The Tashkent's Mirzo-Ulugbek District Criminal Court on July 24 considered an administrative case against a Khazarasp district resident, 36, in Khorezm province, who wrote a comment under the news about the end of the posting of the Israeli Ambassador to Uzbekistan.

On July 19, man named A.R. left the following comments under the said news in one of the Telegram channels: “What does this mean, could you translate it, what is written, is it good or bad? Is there a location of this embassy? Probably our military are doing their best to protect it for... a fee” (translation from Uzbek).

The court ruling states that after the comments, he was called to the police department, where he “resisted the lawful demands of the police officers and at the entrance to the building of the Department, which is considered a public place, caused a quarrel, swore with various obscene words, violated public order."

At the trial, the man said that he obeyed the demands of the officers and arrived at the police department, where he did not commit any “violation,” and asked the court to give a warning for the first time.

The court considered that the man’s guilt had been proven and sentenced him to 10 days of administrative arrest under Petty hooliganism charge and Resisting the legal requirements of a police officer of the Code of Administrative Liability.

A.R. must also pay 510 thousand soums for detention.

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