Friday, 18, October, 2024

Draft Urban Renovation bill has been posted for public input. The purpose of the bill is to regulate relations in the field of urban renovation.

The future law will not apply to the procedures for seizing land plots for public needs in exchange for compensation and relations in the field of renovation of facilities of material and cultural heritage.

The following are proposed to serve as the grounds for urban planning renovation:

  • re-planning of land plots in the area of ​​urban renovation;
  • residential and non-residential facilities located in the area of ​​urban planning renovation are unfit for living, use, use, and are in a state of emergency;
  • presence of circumstances that seriously affect the social life of the residents of the area;
  • apartment houses are inconvenient to use residential and non-residential facilities located in the area of ​​urban planning renovation and their use has become inefficient;
  • engineering-communication and social infrastructures of residential and non-residential facilities located in the area of ​​urban planning renovation do not meet modern requirements, energy efficiency indicators are low;
  • architectural image of the environment in the area of ​​urban planning renovation has become ecologically harmful.

The following are the main goals of urban planning renovation:

  • to make the area architecturally, socially, economically and ecologically effective on the basis of the renovation project;
  • to make the housing fund in a state of emergency, deemed unfit for living, use, use, fit for human habitation and use;
  • to avoid situations that seriously affect the social life of the inhabitants of the region;
  • to increase ease of use and productivity of the housing fund and improve its conditions;
  • to create engineering-communication and social infrastructure meeting modern criteria, improvement of energy efficiency indicators.

Urban renovation may be initiated by the following:

  • the state;
  • the owners;
  • the third parties.

Renovation of urban development shall be carried out on the basis of state and public oversight with the consent of the owners.

The urban planning renovation, based on the renovation project, consists of the following forms, which are carried out in order to upgrade buildings and structures to an architecturally, socially, economically and ecologically effective conditiom:

  • reconstruction of the existing facility without changing its basic structure;
  • demolition of existing facilities and construction of a new facility in the category of a demolished facility on a vacant plot of land;
  • demolition of existing facilities and construction of a new facility of a different category on a vacant plot of land or establishment of green areas and other territorial zones.

Within the framework of the urban planning renovation program, one or more of the forms of implementation of the urban planning renovation program provided for in the first part of this article may be used.

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