Sunday, 08, September, 2024

On July 17, the Committee of Democratic Institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations and Citizens' Self-Governing Bodies of the Legislative Chamber held a meeting of the working group dedicated to the discussion of the Ombudsman Bill.

The Bill developed by a group of MPs of the Legislative Chamber consists of 9 chapters and 56 articles. In order to strengthen the institutional gorunds of the Ombudsman, the Bill darfted through the study of international experience, has proposed additional guarantees for the ombudsman to carry out its tasks without hindrance and effectively.

It has also proposed that the report on the activities of the Ombudsman will be heard every year at the meetings of the chambers. The procedure for providing information to the President and the two houses by the ombudsman on the state of compliance with legal documents on the protection of human rights, freedoms and legal interests by state bodies, including law enforcement and oversight bodies, is reportedly being enhanced.

In the end, it was agreed by the working group to include the draft law in the agenda of the next session of the Legislative Chamber for review in the first reading.

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