Sunday, 08, September, 2024

According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers, changes and addenda were made to some government decisions due to simplification of licensing and permitting processes.

In accordance with the president’s Measures to reduce mandatory requirements for doing business and simplify licensing and permitting procedures Decree, the documents: Permit to export objects of export control and License for export and import of special goods have been merged into one - Special permit for export and import of goods.

The following amendments and addenda are made to the document:

  • combining two types of permitting documents into one;
  • approval of license passport for export and import of special types of goods;
  • approval of passports for export of goods and products to be exported in accordance with the regulations of the president and the government;
  • scrapping repetitive processes in some permits, as well as licensing and authorization;
  • coordination of the names of authorized bodies in the field of licensing, permits and notification with administrative processes carried out in state administration;
  • deferring deadlines for issuing documents related to the nature of licenses and permits to a working day.

In particular, major changes are being made to the single regulation on the procedure for licensing certain types of activities through a special electronic system.

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