Wednesday, 23, October, 2024

The long standing chief of Uzbekistan’s diplomatic mission to Korea Republic, Vitaliy Fen, who had served in Seoul for 25 years, died aged 76, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

“Vitaly Fen was an outstanding statesman, master of sports and professional diplomat who devoted his entire life to serving the Motherland,” the statement says.

The Foreign Ministry underscored that his enormous contribution to the development of cooperation between Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea: “His many years of activity left an indelible mark on the strengthening of Uzbek-South Korean ties.”

Vitaly Fen was awarded the Fidokorona Hizmatlari Uchun and Mehnat Shuhrati, as well as Gwanghwa orders” of South Korea. In 2005, he was also awarded the title of honorary citizen of Seoul.

Recently, the President of South Korea, Yun Seok-yeol, paid a state visit to Uzbekistan. Vitaly Fen actively participated in the preparation of the visit and was in Uzbekistan during the visit.

Vitaly Fen will be buried in the city of Fergana according to Islamic traditions, Dunyo news agency reported.


Born in Tashkent province Vitaliy Fen graduated from the College of Planning and Economics in Margilan (1966) and Fergana State Pedagogical Institute (1973). In 1966-1967 he served in the army.

In 1975-1981 he was the director of the higher sports school in Fergana. In 1981-1983 he worked as chairman of the committee of physical education and sports of the Fergana province. In 1983-1989 he was deputy chairman of the State Committee for Physical Education and Sports. In 1989-1995 he worked as deputy governor of the Fergana province.

In 1995-1999, he served as Charge d'Affaires in the Republic of Korea. From 1999 to 2013 he was Ambassador of Uzbekistan to the Republic of Korea. In 2017, he again took up the post of Ambassador in Seoul.

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