Monday, 16, September, 2024

Helena Fraser presented to the Minister the letter of United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres about her appointment in Uzbekistan.

The meeting focused on discussing the status and prospects of bilateral relations. It was highlighted during the meeting that the recent visits of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein to Uzbekistan, and their fruitful talks with President Shavkat Mirziyoyev are the evidence to the UN’s growing attention to Uzbekistan and Central Asia in general.

Currently, Uzbekistan and the United Nations are joined in effective cooperation in various areas. It was also underscored that the common feature of both our country’s Development Action Strategy 2017-2021 and the Sustainable Development Goals for 2016-2030 adopted by the UN General Assembly is the key principle that human interests are above all.

The newly appointed head of the UN in the country received a draft plan (Roadmap) to develop the cooperation between Uzbekistan and the United Nations for 2017-2020 with clarifications on its key points.

The counterparts also exchanged views on specific issues of global and regional nature, including the agenda of the upcoming international conferences Uzbekistan would host under the auspices of the United Nations.


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