Sunday, 08, September, 2024

In Chartak district of Namangan province, an emergency department paramedic manufactured and sold counterfeit drugs at home, including Zodak, Anaferon, Hilak Forte and Vitamin B6, the press service of the State Security Service said.

The man was detained when he was carrying 1,000 packages of counterfeit Zodak for sale in Andijan province. A secretive factory where counterfeit drugs were manufactured was discovered in his house. There, 763 packages of Anaferon, 2,125 packages of Zodak, 4,000 packages of Vitamin B6, as well as 570 bottles of syrup of unknown origin, empty bottles, packaging, instructions and labels were seized.

The detainee used a relative’s house as a warehouse, where 120 packages of Zodak, 260 of Anaferon, 96 of Hilak Forte and 313 bottles of syrup without labels were also discovered.

The paramedic reported that he had been illegally manufacturing counterfeit drugs since September 2023 and that raw materials were supplied from Kyrgyzstan by residents of the Andijan province. Their identities are now being established.

Illegally manufactured drugs were sold mainly in pharmacies in Andijan, Fergana and Tashkent.

Based on this fact, a criminal case has been launched under Production, manufacturing, acquisition, storage, transportation for sales purposes or sale of substandard or falsified medicines by prior conspiracy by a group of persons, and also by falsifying documents certifying quality and state registration Charge (punishable by imprisonment from 5 to 8 years). The suspect was taken into custody.

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