Monday, 09, September, 2024

Administrative and criminal liability will be established for theft of cash from a bank card, announced the MP of Legislative Chamber Zukhra Shodiyeva.

“The lack of liability for such offenses as theft of money from a bank account or card creates the conditions for the repetition of such acts. The absence of a legal procedure for the use of these special tools facilittates the illegal collection of secret information by attackers and its use for criminal purposes,” the deputy said.

She did not specify what kind of special tools she had in mind.

She noted that a draft bill will be developed on introducing addenda and amendments to the Criminal, Criminal Procedure Codes and the Administrative Liability Code, as well as measures of administrative and criminal liability in above cases. The adoption of this bill will create a legal basis for the disclosure of crimes committed with the help of information technology in the future.

In addition, liability can be established for violation of legislation in the field of circulation of crypto assets and illegal mining.

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