Sunday, 22, September, 2024

The Government, by its April 3 Resolution, amended the Traffic Rules (TR) regarding the maximum speed limit in cities. The new wording of the second paragraph of clause 78 of the TR now reads:

“In the cities of Nukus and Tashkent, provincial and district centers, as well as on the territory of cities, vehicles are allowed a speed not exceeding 60 km/h.”

The paragraph I of the same clause has been retained in the previous wording:

“In settlements, the movement of vehicles is allowed at a speed of no more than 70 km/h, no higher 30 km/h at a distance of 300 m before and after schools and preschool educational organizations, if there are appropriate signs, in residential areas and on the adjacent territory (land between residential buildings) - no higher than 20 km/h.

The reduction in speed from April 1 was provided for by the 2023 State Program, approved by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the end of February. However, the decree mentioned this only about Tashkent, Nukus and provincial and district centers.

The version of the traffic rules that had been in effect before that stated that in the capital and large cities, by decision of the republican commission on road safety, only in places with a large flow of traffic and people, the speed can be reduced from the permitted 70 to 60 km/h. This version of the rules was adopted a year ago.

Earlier, in February last year, the president announced the need to limit the speed in the center of Tashkent to 50-60 km/h. Proposals to introduce 50 km/h zones were not approved.

In January, the republican commission approved a speed reduction to 60 km/h in Tashkent within the Small Ring Road, and in Urgench and Namangan throughout the city. In other provinces, speed was limited on certain sections of streets and roads.

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