Friday, 26, July, 2024

Today on March 16, Shavkat Mirziyoyev made remarks at the extraordinary Turkic Summit in Ankara, Turkey, dedicated to helping and rebuilding the country after the devastating February earthquakes, the Uzbek presidency website said.

“Our today’s meeting is a visual, practical confirmation of the strength of our friendship and solidarity, that even in the most difficult moments we stand strong and united for each other,” said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

“The unprecedented devastating earthquake that occurred in a friendly country resonated with endless pain in our hearts. As a result of a terrible catastrophe, our brothers and sisters and children were killed and suffered. This is an incomparable, irreparable loss. When our Turkish brothers faced the most difficult trials, the people of Uzbekistan were in unison with the words “Turkey! We are with you!” hastened to help”.

“I propose to declare February 6 as the Day of Remembrance and Solidarity within the Organization of Turkic Satets as a tribute to the memory of all those who died during the earthquake.”

“We are all ready to help you and direct our efforts towards the restoration of cities and villages, social and industrial facilities destroyed by the earthquake and the construction of new ones. In particular, we intend to make a worthy contribution to the construction work in the Ovakent district of Hatay province, one of the epicenters of the earthquake, where our rescuers worked”.

“In addition, we will facilitate for elderly people from the affected areas to improve their health and rest in our country, and trips to places associated with the names of Imam Bukhari will be organized for them. Imam Termezi, Imam Maturidi and Bahauddin Naqshband.”

“Along with this, we want to invite young people from the Hatay province to visit Uzbekistan this summer, organize meaningful leisure activities for them and excursions to ancient Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva, as well as joint events with peers from our country”.

“Our countries of are highly prone to natural disasters and risks due to geographical and geological features. Unfortunately, in recent years, due to global climate change, the scale of destructive manifestations of the elements and the damage from them have sharply increased”.

“In order to prevent emergencies and eliminate their consequences, I propose the creation of a Platform for systemic cooperation of the UTC, including:

  • the early development within the framework of the Organization of a multilateral agreement on the prevention of natural disasters and emergencies. In this regard, we fully support the draft document on the creation of a civil protection system presented by the Turkish side".
  • intensification of partnerships between ministries and departments of the UTC for emergency situations. The main attention, according to the president, should be given to technical safety requirements and the introduction of the most advanced world experience into the sphere, the constant raising of public awareness, the growth of qualifications and experience of rescue service specialists, and the holding of joint exercises.
  • introduction of mechanisms for close cooperation and support in overcoming social and economic problems during unforeseen hardships. We are talking about the unhindered delivery of food and building materials, the launch of cooperation projects aimed at restoring the industry. We believe it is possible to attract the first financial resources of the Turkic Investment Fund, which is officially established today, to these projects”.

“Despite the achievements in scientific and technological fields, the task of forecasting and early warning of earthquakes, mudslides and floods, forest fires, and hurricanes is still relevant. Undoubtedly, a deep study of these processes, the widespread introduction of scientific and technological innovations in the sphere will have a great positive effect,” the President of Uzbekistan emphasized. He proposed to establish a Center for Monitoring and Analysis of Natural Disasters within the framework of the Organization and to place it in Tashkent.”

“I also call for strengthening cooperation with specialized international structures. It would be advisable for the Organization’s secretariat to establish links with the Global Fund for Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery, the secretariat of the UN International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Central Emergency Response Fund.”

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