Saturday, 21, September, 2024

Surkhandarya province governor’s office clarified the cause of fires on neutral islands on the border with Afghanistan. On the eve, fires on the islands caused a lot of all kinds of rumors on social networks.

According to the official statement of the press service of the Surkhandarya province governor’s office, “in order to prevent the reproduction of harmful insects and the spread of infectious diseases, reed beds that have grown on small islands in the Amu Darya River, located in a neutral zone on the border of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, are being burned in a planned manner.

This event was carried out on the basis of the permit of the authorities and the mutual consent of the responsible authorities with full control of fires.

Notifying that this event is being held according to plan, we request the public not to worry, and users of social networks not to disseminate false information that causes panic.

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