Saturday, 21, September, 2024

Director of the news publication site Khurshid Daliev (also author of Muxbir Daliev blog) and the editor-in-chief Muslim Mirzajonov were arretsed by persons who introduced themselves as “law enforcement officers”. This was reported by the publication in its Telegram channel.

It is reported that "officials" took the journalists from their office, located in the building of Tashkent State Agrarian University.

The doors of the office were forced open, and the contents of all storage media are now being searched, they added.

The editors of the website are concerned about the health and condition of all the people who were "taken away suddenly and without warning." The publication is unable to contact journalists.

“The editors consider this situation to be completely contrary to the national policy course of the President and a threat to freedom of speech. The website asks all the media, bloggers and human rights activists to help cover this urgent message,” the publication’s staff urged.

In addition, the editors of appealed to law enforcement agencies with a request to give an official comment on the incident.

The publication reported that the office was sealed by the investigator of Kuyichirchik district department of Department for Countering Economic Crimes under the General Prosecutor's Office E. Ablamuradov. website has been unavailable since 13:30.

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