Saturday, 21, September, 2024

The influence of the cold anticyclone’s periphery on Uzbekistan will continue to gradually weaken on Friday and weekends, Uzhydromet reported.

The weather is expected to be cloudy, but without precipitation in all provinces, with fog in places.

The air temperature across the country will rise unevenly. On Friday afternoon, the temperature in most provinces will be 0...+5 degrees Celsius, in Surkhandarya province - already +7...+10 degrees. While, however, in some places of Jizzakh and Syrdarya provinces up to -2 ... -4 degrees.

Over the weekend, the air mass across the country will gradually warm up. The air temperature at night will be -3 ... -8 degrees, in some places in Jizzakh and Syrdarya provinces - up to -10 ... -12. During the day, the air temperature will rise to +2…+7 degrees, in Surkhandarya province - up to +10 degrees.

In Tashkent, the air temperature will gradually rise to +2…+4 degrees on Saturday and +5…+7 degrees on Sunday, with −3…−5 degrees expected at night.

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