Saturday, 21, September, 2024

In Tashkent, Chief of Single Customer Service company under the mayor’s office, which operates as a customer for construction of facilities financed from budgetary funds, has been replaced. This is provided for by the Jan. 25 order of the acting Tashkent mayor Bakhtiyor Rakhmonov.

According to the order, Rahmatullahodzha Kuchkarov was fired from the said position at his own request. He was replaced taken by Sobirzhon Shamsidinovich Oripov, who previously had been in charge of the company in 2014 and between 2019-2020.

In 2021, he was appointed director of the State-owned Zamin Tourist Recreational Zone under the Cabinet of Ministers.

Earlier, the mayor Bakhtiyor Rakhmonov sacked Muzaffar Abdurakhmanov, who served as aid to the former mayor Ortiqhodzhaev and was one of the closest people.

On January 23, the mayor also replaced the head of the Toshshaharnur (government body in charge of all public lighting in Tashkent city), Umidbek Rajabov who was replaced byShomansur Akhmedov, who previously temporarily acted as the general director of the Tashkent City Electric Networks enterprise and worked as the mayor of Mirzo-Ulugbek district.

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