Friday, 03, May, 2024

Weather without precipitation is expected in Uzbekistan on Monday, Uzhydromet reported. Light snow is possible only in Bukhara, Navoi and Samarkand provinces, precipitation (rain, snow) in areas of Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya provinces. During the day, the air will warm up to 0 ... +3 degrees, slightly negative temperatures will remain only in some areas.

Starting from Tuesday, the influence of the anticyclone will gradually weaken, and relatively warmer air will replace the cold air mass.

The air temperature will gradually rise, and by the end of the week, night frosts will weaken to 0 degrees, and during the day the air will warm up to +7 ... +10, in some places up to +14 degrees, which is close to the average long-term temperature values, with fog expected in parts of the country.

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