Wednesday, 12, March, 2025

Today, Tashkent hosted, under the chairmanship of Uzbekistan, the VIII meeting of the Council on Industrial Policy of the CIS member states and the meeting of industry ministers of the SCO member states.

The agenda included the ways for further intensifying and building up interaction between the CIS and SCO member states in the interests of industrial development, ensuring sustainable growth in industrial production on the basis of cooperation, implementing joint investment projects, introducing new technologies, attracting material and financial resources, and increasing productivity labor and industrial diversification.

Also, the heads of delegations of the CIS and SCO countries exchanged views on topical issues of further cooperation in the field of industry, taking into account the geopolitical situation in the world and possible joint responses to emerging problems.

During the meetings, drafts of a number of important documents were reviewed, including:

  •          draft program of conceptual areas for development of industrial cooperation between the CIS member states;
  •          draft program to stimulate industrial cooperation between business circles of the SCO member states;
  •          draft regulation on organization of congress and exhibition events, in particular under the auspices of the Meeting of Industry Ministers of the SCO Member States;
  •          draft regulation on creation of a "data bank of industrial projects in the SCO member states";

-          drafts of the concept of cooperation between the CIS member states in the energy sector until 2035 and a plan of priority measures for its implementation.

In addition, the participants visited facilities that demonstrate the existing industrial potential and cooperative practice of Uzbekistan, and got acquainted with the production processes.

At the end of the meetings, the participants decided to continue mutual cooperation in the field of industry.

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