Tuesday, 25, February, 2025

Inauguration ceremony of the Swiss high-tech Metal Processing LLC plant will be held in Tashkent on July 12, UzTekstilSanoat (trransl. Uz Textile Industry) reported.

The new sheet metal production plant, set up jointly with the local Metal Processing company, is designed to manufacture a wide range of goods from complex machine parts to small individual solutions.

The project was implemented with the support of the Government of Uzbekistan, UzTekstilSanoat Association, the Uzbek Ministry of Economy and other departments.

The launch of the metal processing facility in Uzbekistan marks the beginning of a new era in the production of sheet metal. This is a major step in the localization of Rieter machines.

Pursuant to the Localization and Imports Reduction Program, UzTekstilSanoat together with Rieter AG organized the visit of the head of the Federal Department of Economy, Education and Research of Switzerland Johann Schneider-Amman who attended the plant’s inauguration ceremony.

Swiss Ambassador to Uzbekistan Mr. Olivier Chave, Ambassador, Head of the Department for Economic Cooperation and Development of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) Mr. Raymund Furrer, Head of the Europe and Central Asia Department of Bilateral Economic Cooperation of the SECO Tony Moret, President of the Swiss Business Federation Economie Suisse Heinz Karrer, Rieter Management AG Group Secretary Thomas Anvander are expected to attend the inauguration ceremony.

Officials of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, UzTekstilSanoat, the ministries of economy, innovative development, manufacturers of textile and clothing and knitwear will attend the opening of the new plant from the Uzbek side.

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