Wednesday, 12, March, 2025

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a decree approving the Construction of a Mining and Metallurgical Complex on the basis of the Tebinbulak deposit Project.

The document is aimed at “further expanding the production capacities of machinery, wagon building, automotive, chemical, oil-gas and building industries, creating own high-end steelmaking metallurgical complex using local raw materials on the basis the Tebinbulak titanium-magnetite ore deposit, as well as boosting export potential and cutting imports”.

The project provides for the organization of a 1 Mt steel products a year facility, to be completed in 2024.

The President instructed Uzbekistan Railways to form, within a month, the Office for construction of the complex within the Railways company in an intent to support its construction and commissioning.

The company, together with the ministries of Economy and Finance, the Committee for Investments, was instructed, by April 1, 2018, to submit proposals on concrete sources of financing the project.

Uzbekistan Railways together with UzEngineering, National Design Institute must until December 30, 2018, submit the project’s FS for approval to the Cabinet of Ministers.

The President allowed, as an exception, until January 1, 2020 to implement the project together with preparing of design estimates and enter into contracts with manufacturers or their official dealers (distributors) for material and services supply without holding bids, by selection of the best proposals, with mandatory expert opinion on import contracts by authorized bodies and pre-shipment inspection.

The decree has granted until January 1, 2025 under the project some customs reliefs and preferences to the general contractor and design company, as well as their subcontractors. 

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