Thursday, 13, March, 2025

UzKimyoSanoat (transl. UzChemical Industry) and Samsung Engineering signed an agreement on implementation of $556 million total worth of four projects:

- Modernization of  ammonia and carbamide production facilities at FerghanaAzot worth of $91 million project.

- Modernization of the  ammonium nitrate AC 72M and non-concentrated nitric acid AK 72M production facilities at FerganaAzot  $15.0 million worth of project.

- Launching of $ 300 million 300.0 thousand ton ammonia production in Almalyk project.

- Launching of $ 150 million 350.0 thousand ton carbamide production in Almalyk project.

$321 million worth of loan funds will be drawn to implement the projects.


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