Thursday, 13, March, 2025

A government meeting was held in Tashkent on Tuesday chaired by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. The attendees heard and thoroughly discussed reports from the chiefs of the Complex on utility services, transport, capital construction and building industry and the Complex on economic development, structural reforms, investments, reforming the banking and financial systems, coordination of activities of the free economic and small industrial zones under the Cabinet of Ministers; as well those of the heads of the ministries and departments that are part of these complexes on the half-year results, the existing problems and measures to eliminate them, and the important tasks for the second half.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev underscored that in spite of certain results and successes have been achieved in the areas overseen by these complexes, it is necessary not to be complacent, but to focus on resolving the problems, to fully utilize available reserves and opportunities.

He drew particular attention to the issues of effective organization of the activities of the newly formed and reorganized ministries and departments, pointed to serious drawbacks in this fields by the heads of the Ministry of Housing and Utility Services, Committee for Investments, Guarantee Fund for Small Business Development. They have been instructed to take all necessary measures to employ highly qualified specialists to ensure full and quality ensuring the main tasks and functions as determined by legislative acts.

The drawbacks committed by some departments under the Complex on utilities, transport, capital construction and the building industry, including the Committee for architecture and construction, UzQurilishMateriallari, UzMontazhMasQurilish, UzShakharQurilishInvest, the Road Fund, Qishloq Qurilish Bank and Ipoteka Bank in terms of execution of instructions made by the President during the trips to provinces and at meetings, the chief executives of these departments were seriously warned. The head of the Uzbek Agency for Automobile and River Transport was said to be misfit to the position and the Agency's activities needed to be fundamentally revised. The activities of the Ministries of Economy and Finance, the Tax Committee were said to be organized unsatisfactorily.

The attendee were reminded they were required to unconditionally observe the executive discipline, timely and quality perform the assigned responsibilities and instructions, ensure strict order and discipline in each area. For serious shortcomings in this areas the heads of UzbekOziqOvqatHolding O. Rustamov, UzAgroEksport Zh. Kholmukhamedov and UzbekCharmPoyabzali M. Mansurov were dismissed from their posts last week.  Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that the heads of all ministries and departments, companies and economic associations should draw appropriate conclusions from this.

It was emphasized that in spite of great many steps taken in recent years to stimulate small business, there are still barriers to improving business climate.

In this regard, the head of the complex - Deputy Prime Minister Jamshid Kuchkorov was entrusted jointly with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Economy, the Central Bank and other ministries and departments to comprehensively analyze all problems in the field of entrepreneurship and improve the business environment to reach international standards.

President instructed to stop the formality, superficial reforms in the banking and financial system, and to turn it into a system that is efficient and up-to-date. The most important task is that banks must provide modern services, raise attractiveness and be competitive, he said.

The issues of complete and timely ensuring by the Cabinet of Ministers, ministries and departments, economic entities of target figures and fulfillment of activities for the second half of this year were discussed, as well as the development of road maps for achieving targets for medium and long term, with specific instructions given.

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