Sunday, 23, February, 2025

President of Uzbekistan on May 18 signed a decree creating UzbekHydroEnergo, a joint-stock company that will comprise hydroelectric power stations, hydrotechnical and other hydropower related units of UzbekEnergo, as well as UzSuvEnergo (Uz Water Energy) association under the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources.

The intent of creating the new entity is to "effectively use the hydropower potential of the country, to  form a unified water and power resources management system, increase the share of renewable energy in overall electrical energy, creation of new ecofriendly capacities, technical and technological re-equipment of existing hydropower plants, attracting investment in hydropower sector and meeting the demand of enterprises and households for electricity."

UzbekHydroEnergo shall become the authority responsible for implementation of the Program of measures for further development of hydropower sector for 2017-2021, approved by Presidential Decree of 2 May.

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