Thursday, 13, March, 2025

Uzbekistan's population as of January 1, 2025 stood a 37 million 543.2 thousand people, growing by 2%, or 743.4 thousand people in 2024, the Statistics Agency said in a report.

Of the total population, 18.9 million (50.4%) are men and 18.6 million (49.6%) are women. The urban population is 19.1 (51%) million people, the rural population is 18.4 million (49%).

Population density

The population density was 83.6 people per, which is 1.6 people more than in the same period in 2024 (82 people per 1 sq. km as of January 1, 2024).

By province, the highest population density was 6,948.1 people in Tashkent city, 804.9 in Andijan province, 613.1 in Fergana province. The lowest rates were recorded in Navoi province - 9.9 and Karakalpakstan - 12.2 people.

Birth rate

926.4 thousand children were born in 2024, which is by 3.7% less than a year earlier. It should be noted that this is the first decrease in the birth rate in Uzbekistan since 2017.

The share of births in urban areas is 49.1% (454.5 thousand babies), in rural areas - 50.9% (471.9 thousand).

479.5 thousand boys (51.8%), and 446.9 thousand girls (48.2%) were born over the year.


The total number of deaths in 2024 topped 174.4 thousand people (0.9% more than in 2023), including men - 96 thousand (55.04%), women - 78.4 thousand (44.96%). 98.2 thousand people (56.3%) died in cities, 76.2 thousand people (43.7%) in rural areas.

The main causes of death: 57.6% - diseases of the circulatory system, 9.4% - neoplasms, 6.3% - respiratory diseases, 5.8% - accidents, poisoning and injuries, 4.1% - diseases of the digestive system, 1.1% - infectious and parasitic diseases, 15.7% - other diseases.


The number of registered marriages in 2024 was 271.8 thousand - 12 thousand less than a year earlier. This continued the downward trend in the number of marriage registrations that began in 2022. It should be noted that even in 2020, when quarantine restrictions were introduced due to the pandemic, the number of marriages was 25 thousand more. In 2024, the smallest number of marriages in the past 10 years was also concluded.

Of the total number of new families, 50.3% (136.7 thousand) were built in urban areas, 49.7% (135.1 thousand) - in rural areas.

The average age of women at marriage was 22.3 years, while the average age of men was 27.1 years. The largest share of registered marriages was among women under 25 years of age — 81.9% of all marriages.


The number of divorces was 45.1 thousand, which is 8.3% less than in 2023, but still significantly more than annually until 2021.

28 thousand divorces were registered (62%) in urban areas, and in rural areas — 17.1 thousand (38%). The number of divorces in families with one child in January-December 2024 was 12,906 cases, in childless marriages — 21,726 cases, families with two or more children — 10,503 cases.

The average age of divorced men was 35.4 years, women — 32.1 years. The largest share of divorces is among women under 35 years of age, which is 64.6% of their total number.

The highest percentage of divorces is in Tashkent city (13.1%), as well as in the Fergana and Andijan provinces (10.6%). The number of divorces is relatively small in Navoi - 2.8%, Syrdarya - 3.3% and Jizzakh provinces - 3.8%.

Immigration and emigration

The total number of people arriving in Uzbekistan was 241.8 thousand people, including 103.4 thousand men and 138.4 thousand women. The number of people arriving in urban areas reached 182.2 thousand, in rural areas - 59.6 thousand people.

By age group, 11.5% of those arriving were under working age, 80.7% were of working age, and 7.8% were over working age.

The largest share of those arriving for permanent residence in Uzbekistan from abroad came from the Russian Federation (36.5%) and Kazakhstan (24.2%). 10.8% of those arriving were registered from Tajikistan, 6.9% from Kyrgyzstan, 2.5% from Turkmenistan, and 19.1% from other countries.

The largest share of immigrants — 38.1% — arrived in Tashkent, 13.4% — in Tashkent region, 5.5% — in Fergana region, 5.5% — in Samarkand region, and 5.1% — in Navoi region.

The number of those who left was 250.4 thousand people, including 107.5 thousand men and 142.9 thousand women. Those who left cities amounted to 173.6 thousand people, and 76.8 thousand people from rural areas.

By age group, 12% of those who left were under working age, 80% were of working age, and 8% were over working age.

The main share of those who left Uzbekistan for permanent residence was in Kazakhstan (81.1%). They were followed by Russia (14.8%), South Korea (0.9%), Kyrgyzstan (0.7%), Turkmenistan (0.4%), and other countries (2.1%).

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