Saturday, 15, March, 2025

The first train carrying commercial goods to Afghanistan arrived in Mazar-e-Sharif yesterday after crossing the territories of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan from China.

The Taliban government's Ministry of Industry and Trade announced yesterday on its X page that all 55 containers were loaded in this train and reached Afghanistan in 22 days.

The statement mentions that this train will take some of Afghanistan's export goods with it to China and other countries along the route.

At the same time, China's Afghanistan Envoy Yu Xiaoyong and Ambassador Zhao Sheng met with Maulvi Abdul Kabir, deputy minister of the Taliban government, and other officials in political affairs yesterday.

The government of the Taliban has not been recognized by any country in the world, but China has established very strong relations with Kabul.

Ghous Janbaz, a political affairs observer, speaking to local media about why the Taliban are important to China and China to Taliban, says: "The Taliban are very interested in two basic needs. The top of their demands is their recognition." It is known and on the other hand, the Taliban are also interested that China will eventually make big investments in Afghanistan and China has three main goals in Afghanistan with other countries such as Russia, Iran and Central Asia, which have logical interactions Preventing terrorist groups and the third objective is economic and commercial relations.

At the same time China also has a number of concerns on the part of Afghanistan. Before the Taliban came to power, they had a history of close relations with the Chinese Uyghur militants and some other groups, some of which are known as terrorist groups in the region and some around the world, but after They came to power in Afghanistan in August 2021. They have always insisted that they will not allow any threat to any country in the world from the territory of Afghanistan.

However, after a Chinese citizen was shot dead and 4 others were wounded on the territory of Tajikistan near the border of Afghanistan on November 27th, the Envoy Yu Xiaoyong said that these groups threaten the security of China and other countries in the region.

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