Friday, 14, February, 2025

14 people were held accountable for promoting cohabitation with two or more wives in Uzbekistan over the past 12 months the press service of the Supreme Court said. Of these, 13 people were fined and 1 person was handed administrative arrest.

During the same timeframe, 7 people were held accountable (in 5 cases) for promoting gender discrimination, all of them were sentenced to fines.

Both articles were inserted to the Administrative Code by the October 31 2024 amendments.

Article 47-8 provides for a fine of 15 to 30 basic calculation units (from 5.625 million to 11.25 million soums) or up to 15-day administrative arrest for propaganda of cohabitation with two or more wives, the dissemination of views, ideas or calls for such content, as well as the encouragement of such actions.

Article 189-2 on the propaganda of gender discrimination, including the denial in public the equality of women and men, the dissemination of views, ideas or calls for such content, as well as the public justification and (or) encouragement of such actions, implies the imposition of a fine of 10 to 20 basic calculation units (from 3.75 million to 7.5 million soums).

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