Wednesday, 16, October, 2024

The Interior Ministry has warned parents whose children are seen to be involved in a “subculture called quadrobica,” where young people imitate animal behavior using accessories (masks, tails).

“This has been the case among young people in Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine. Unfortunately, similar unacceptable actions have also been seen in the city of Tashkent,” the statement said.

Reported, “on October 10, a ‘quadrober’ was seen wearing an animal mask, and on October 11, another ‘quadrober’, associating himself with a dog, attacked passengers, and the child who witnessed the incident was very scared.”

“The contradicts the ethos of the society, and such behavior is completely unacceptable. Experts believe that the quadrobics can lead to the child taking on the aggressive actions of animals, injuring himself and others, and can lead to damage to the child's not yet fully formed psyche, as well as to his isolation from society," the Ministry added.

The Ministry made reference Article 77 of the Constitution of Uzbekistan, according to which parents are obliged to take care of their children until they reach adulthood, ensuring their upbringing, education, healthy, full and comprehensive development. In accordance with the Education Law, parents of minor students are responsible for the education, upbringing, physical, spiritual and intellectual development of the child. In addition, parents are obliged to raise their children in the spirit of humanism, patriotism, hard work, respect for spiritual, national and universal values, the statement says.

"As one of the bodies responsible for ensuring guarantees of children's rights, the Ministry said that cases of such a subculture will be classified as failure of parents to perform their duties," the Ministry of Internal Affairs noted. According to the of Administrative Liability Code, this is subject to a fine of up to 5 basic calculation units (up to 1.875 million soums).

In addition, "if necessary, it may be necessary to conduct a special psychological examination of children (confidentially, using friendly methods that do not allow isolating and discriminating against the child) in order to determine how the quadrobics affects the mental and emotional health of the child."

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs calls on our esteemed parents to fulfill their moral duty and legal responsibility for the comprehensive upbringing of their children," the statement concluded.

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