Sunday, 08, September, 2024

For the first time ever, Uzbekistan has been elected to the Administrative Council of the International Labor Organization (ILO) as a deputy member of the council, the Foreign Ministry said.

The elections of Council members and their alternates for 2024–2027 took place at ILO headquarters in Geneva on 7 June as part of the 112th session of the International Labor Conference. With the required minimum of 105 votes, Uzbekistan received the largest number - 194.

Reportedly, the ILO member states appreciated the eradication of child and forced labor in the country, the ratification of a number of important ILO conventions in the field of promoting the principles of decent work and the transition from a policy of ignoring problems to solving them through dialogue.

Chairperson of the Senate Tanzila Narbaeva, who also heads the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Persons and Forced Labor, called the election the result of the country’s efforts to ensure the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, as well as improve labor relations in accordance with international standards.

“The election of Uzbekistan as a member of this council will allow us to bring forward proposals and ideas to improve the labor relations system at the international level,” she noted.

While, she emphasized that this will require increased efforts by those responsible for employment issues, trade unions and employers to promote the principles of decent work.

The council comprises of 56 members and 66 alternates, elected for three years.

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