Friday, 20, September, 2024

Lists of “complainants” have been compiled in five districts and cities of the Khorezm province, which include 44 individuals. It is not yet known which authority compiled this list and to where it provided it. It was seen at a visiting reception held in the province with the participation of sector leaders.

The list contains information about “44 individuals who have a habit of writing complaints and trying to enhance discontent.” In particular, the list includes four residents of the Koshkupir district.

For example, M.N. was included in the list because “in his area of ​​residence, in his own interests, he raises socio-economic and everyday problems through the Internet, although they are not related to him.” Another individual, Kh.N., was on the list simply because he “expressed gratitude.”

The columns of the table include the names of local inspectors, police officers and imam-khatibs.

Such a list contradicts the Letters from individuals and legal entities law. According to Article 20 of the law, it is prohibited to persecute an individual, his representative, members of their families, a legal entity, his representative and family members of a representative of a legal entity in connection with their letters to government agencies, organizations and their officials in order to realize or protect their rights and freedoms and legitimate interests, as well as expressing one’s opinion and criticism in letters.

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