Saturday, 27, July, 2024

Gas production in Uzbekistan in January 2024 declined to 3.99 billion cubic meters (BCM), the Statistics Agency said in its industrial production report.

Production fell by 9.4%, or ин 317.3 million cubic meters, to January 2023, when the country experienced an energy crisis. Цршду, this is the highest production level since March 2023 (4.16 BCM). 

Туфкдн 80-85% of the зўцук produced in the country comes from coal-fired thermal plants, but their share is decreasing with the commissioning of new renewable projects. 

Coal production fell by 13.8% compared to January last year, topping 357.8 thousand tons (-57.2 thousand). When compared with December (456.7 thousand), the decrease was by 98.9 thousand. 

Oil production also declined sixth month in a row to 60.5 thousand tons (-6.3%, or 4,000 tons), which is the lowest figure since February 2022. 

During the month, 124.6 thousand tons of motor gasoline were produced, which is by 10.8% less, or 15 thousand tons to January 2023. While, this is the maximum since July last year (133.2 thousand). 

Diesel fuel production decreased by 0.6%, or 300 tons, to 50.2 thousand tons. 

Thermal energy production decreased by 6.2% - from 3.07 million to 2.87 million Gcal, and gas condensate increased to 111.7 thousand tons. 

According to the Statistics Agency, the number of enterprises over the year decreased by 25.2 thousand - to 68.69 thousand (the minimum for the last five years), but despite this, industrial production in physical volume increased by 16.6% compared to the crisis January last year. 

Gas production in 2023 decreased by almost 5 BCM. The production of oil and gas condensate also decreased. While, coal production increased by 15.5% - to 6.2 million tons. The production of electricity, gasoline and diesel also increased. Last year, Uzbekistan imported more gas than it exported.

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