Friday, 20, September, 2024

Telecommunications sector independent regulator was proposed to be set up in Uzbekistan in the presentation on key strategic reforms for 2024, which was presented to the president Shavkat Mirziyoyev on Tuesday.

Let us recall that reforms were considered in five key areas - transport, urbanization and town planning, entrepreneurship development, agriculture and energy.

As noted in the presentation, over the past 10 years the volume of telecom services had increased 6.5 times, mobile Internet coverage has increased to 98%.

By the year-end, it is planned to attract $1 billion in investments and increase the share of the digital economy in the country’s GDP from 3% to 6%.

Before July 1, it is planned to submit to the parliament the Telecommunications Bill in a new edition (the current one was adopted in 1999), which will include the current Communications Law.

In an interview with the Uzbekistan 24 TV channel, the director of the Agency for Strategic Reforms, Bakhodir Rakhmatov, said that the main goal of the changes is to liberalize the sphere and open access to the market for the private sector.

Until April 1, it is planned to provide providers with direct access to the international Internet channel, with an independent telecommunications regulator to be set up before September 1.

Until May 1, it is planned to open unhindered access to databases of ministries and departments to analyze the implementation of the Uzbekistan-2030 strategy.

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