Friday, 20, September, 2024

State Security Service unveiled details of the criminal case against the former chief of Toshshahartranshizmat, the Tashkent public transport entity, Anvar Juraev.

According to the State Security Service, as a result of operation, a number of cases of violations of the law were identified in the Toshshahartranshizmat.

Several officials of Toshshakhartranshizmat reportedly colluded and caused enormous financial damage to the interests of the state, by stealing spare parts and fuel products.

The Investigation Department of the State Security Service opened a criminal case under Theft by misappropriation or embezzlement Charge and Forgery of official status against these persons. By a court ruling they were taken into custody.

Anvar Juraev was appointed chairman of Toshshahartranskhizmat, as well as deputy mayor of Tashkent in 2017.

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