Friday, 20, September, 2024

The Development Strategy Center posted for public input the draft 2024 state program for (Year of Support for Youth and Business). The Program is adopted annually as part of the Uzbekistan-2030 strategy. Additionally, a draft presidential decree on the implementation of the state program this year has been posted. The document was also published on the portal for discussion of draft regulatory acts.

The draft state program consists of 294 items, developed on the basis of the objectives outlined in the Uzbekistan-2030 Strategy, approved in 2023.

The draft has identified measures to be implemented in 2024, as well as lists of regulatory documents that must be developed in five priority areas:

  • creating decent conditions for realizing the potential of every person (112 items);
  • ensuring the well-being of the population through sustainable economic growth (94);
  • water conservation and environmental protection (28);
  • ensuring the rule of law, organizing public administration focused on serving the people (35);
  • consistent continuation of a policy based on the principle of “a safe and peaceful state” (25).

The discussion will last through February 9.

The first Strategy for five priority areas of the country’s development for five years (2017–2021) was adopted in 2017. At the beginning of 2022, the President approved the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan until 2026.

After the country held a referendum on the new version of the Constitution and early presidential elections last year, the Uzbekistan-2030 Strategy was approved. Its goals include creating opportunities for all individuals to develop their potential, raising a healthy and educated generation, creating a strong economy and guaranteeing justice, the rule of law and security.

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