Friday, 20, September, 2024

On January 4, the Tashkent city’s Uchtepa district criminal court issued a ruling against the driver of a Captiva SUV, Zh. M., who killed a pedestrian in Tashkent.

According to the court ruling, on September 6 at approximately 14:15, a Captiva SUV at 80-90 km/h speed hit a pedestrian, 67, who was crossing the road at an unregulated pedestrian crossing. The victim died in the hospital from the received injuries (combined trauma to the head, chest, abdomen, arm and leg, fracture of the left temporal bone, closed rib fractures, rupture of the left lung, liver, spleen, intracerebral hemorrhage and others).

At the court hearing, the driver said that he was driving his father’s car, moving along the Small ring road and heading towards Zangiata street from Istirokhat street. Near the 28th house, several cars stopped in front of an unregulated crossing. According to him, he looked to see if there were pedestrians and thought that the cars had already let them pass, so he decided not to stop and move on. At this time, an elderly man came out from behind the cars and was hit by a car.

The defendant said he called an ambulance. Police officers also approached the scene of the accident, checked the victim’s heartbeat and reported that he had died. The ambulance later took the victim away.

Zh.M. admitted guilt, expressed regret about what he had done, said that he covered the expenses for the funeral of the deceased, asked the court to mitigate the punishment and take into account that he is the only breadwinner in a family with two minor children.

The daughter of the deceased confirmed financial assistance from the accused and stated that she had no claims against him. She asked the court to issue a non-custodial sentence.

Judge Khusan Khamidov sentenced the driver to 2 years in prison to be served in a penal colony, and also deprived him of the right to drive a car for 3 years.

The case file states that in 2017, a criminal case was launched against the driver under Violation of traffic safety rules or operation of a vehicle by the person driving the vehicle, resulting in moderate or serious bodily injury charge. The case was dismissed as part of the reconciliation of the parties.

8,693 road accidents occurred in Uzbekistan in the first 11 months of 2023, in which 2,080 people died and 8,055 were injured.

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