Friday, 20, September, 2024

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a government meeting on further support for production and boosting export potential in the pharmaceutical.

Uzbekistab has the necessary raw materials and sufficient conditions for the development of the industry. In particular, over the past six years, pharmaceutical production has increased 3 times, exports - 6 times. 177 projects worth $525 million were launched, and a total of 50 thousand jobs were created, he said.

However, this is nowhere near its real potential. Thus, medicines worth $1.6 billion are consumed annually in the country. The share of domestic producers is only 18 percent, the rest is provided by imports.

In this regard, he focused on the development of local production. The importance of studying foreign experience and attracting famous brands to our country was emphasized. In particular, instructions were given to increase localization to 35% by organizing the production of the 50 most commonly consumed drugs in the country.

He pointed to the need to accelerate the construction of the Tashkent Pharma Park cluster and hire a private partner to it. Also, pharmaceutical companies will be provided with assistance in the transition to the international GMP standard and the creation of a labeling system.

In general, the industry has formed 173 projects worth $1.5 billion. $600 million will be allocated to finance them.

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